5 Ways To Prepare For Installing Custom Wood Railings

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Installing custom wood railings is a great way to make a home look more inviting. Before the wood railings go in, though, you’ll need to make some preparations. Here are 5 things you’ll need to do to be ready for your project. Take Lots of Measurements Especially if you’re using custom wood railings to cope with an unusual location in a house, you’ll want to get the measurements right. While a professional can take more precise measurements, you should still get a ballpark number by taking measurements.…

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4 Things Most People Do That Cause a Disorganized Closet

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The closets in your home serve the important role of housing clothing, shoes, extra bedding, keepsakes, and an array of other items depending on their locations. While you can start with full intent for your closets to be organized places, these storage areas tend to get overwhelmed quickly. Thankfully, a professional closet organizer service can step in, help you find solutions, and create a space that remains more functional for the long term.…

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5 Sofa Arm Styles and What They Do for You

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While you might spend a lot of time considering the size, height, or depth of your new sofa, have you considered the arm style? Sofa arms actually add or take away from the functionality and fit of your sofa. To help you choose the right one, here is a primer on five main arm styles to consider.  1. Rolled Arms. Probably the most common arm style is known as a rolled arm.…

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