Get Them Under Control: 3 Steps To Take When The Weeds Are Out Of Control

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Spring is just around the corner. Time to prepare your yard for planting season. If you have a yard full of weeds, you’re going need to get rid of those before you can begin planting your gardens. Luckily, there are some relatively simple steps you can take to get rid of the weeds that have overrun your yard. Here are three methods you can use to get your weeds under control.…

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Leaky Furnace? Here's A Couple Possible Reasons Why

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With winter still plaguing many parts of the country, your furnace might be in full swing. You depend on it to keep your home nice and toasty, even when the weather outside is blistering cold. While you expect your furnace to work at all times, you have to do your part to keep it properly maintained. Finding your furnace leaking water can be disheartening to say the least. Regardless of whether it is a small leak or a major puddle, you need to get it taken care of right away to prevent additional damage to the furnace.…

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Tarps – A Necessity For Surviving Emergencies And Disasters

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When you think about tarps, you probably only think about covering a stack of firewood in your yard, securing a load in the back of a pick-up truck or covering your roof when it leaks. The truth is, tarps are an essential part of emergency survival planning and preparation. So, how can tarps come in handy during emergency situations? Shelter Tarps can be strung from trees to build an instant shelter to protect you from the elements.…

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