Regardless of your industry, wasted employee time and lack of adequate supervision can have a dramatic impact on your profit margin. Fortunately, the solution is not hiring additional managerial staff, but instead lies in more effectively determining the activities and presence of employees at any given time. A discreet and affordable way to do so is accessing a strong card access system that monitors each employee as they go through a normal work day.…
Nibbling bunnies, troublesome squirrels, and marauding birds can damage your landscaping. Living at peace with wildlife without giving up on the aesthetics of your yard requires creativity.
Plant To Prevent
If your flowers are serving as a buffet to the neighborhood wildlife, try planting some flower that aren’t as attractive.
Daffodils provide ample spring color and require little care, and squirrels and other animals tend to avoid them. Plant them alone or mix them in with tulips and other spring bulbs.…
Problems with your garage door are frustrating. Sometimes it’s easy to tell what is causing the problem, but other times it’s an utter mystery. Most of the time, there’s a common cause behind a particular symptom. Learning to recognize potential causes for garage door problems helps you to know if it’s time to call someone for help.
The Garage Door Won’t Open
Broken springs are a common reason that a door either won’t open at all or will only open a few inches.…